V. Depala MD, Board Certified Psychiatrist

Promote Excellence in Psychiatric Care
Welcome to Dr. Depala Psychiatry Clinic Online.
Welcome to Dr. Depala Psychiatry Clinic Online.
Dr. Depala, M.D. is a Board Certified Psychiatrist who treats children, adolescents, adults and geriatric age groups. He is the attending physician for Southwest Health Care, Kindred Hospital, Tri-City Medical Center . He has been a faculty of the American Physician Institute teaching Board Review Courses for Psychiatrists for over ten years throughout the country.
Dr. Depala has been the overall Chief Resident for the Chicago Medical School program which included Mount Saini Hospital, Elgin State Hospital, North Chicago V.A. Hospital and Alexian Brothers Hospital.
Dr. Depala believes just as physical health is important, so is good mental health. Healthy Mind leads to a Healthy Body.
Currently accepting new patient appointments, with appointment availability during weekdays and Saturdays.
For appointments and other information:
Contact us at 951-737-5787.